Support us at home through our new fresh coffee delivery. Packaged and delivered by our BaRISEtas!
A BaRISEta will carefully measure out 12oz of coffee for your order.
Once measured, they will open a bag and pour the coffee beans in.
BaRISEta Note
After all of your coffee has been packaged, a BaRISEta will write a personalized note thanking you for your support.
The note is placed into your RISE coffee box and your order is on its way!
meaningful coffee At Home
Receive 2 Bags a Month
Free Delivery (within 5 miles)
Sponsor a BaRISEta
No contracts - cancel anytime
Receive 4 Bags a Month
Free Delivery (within 5 miles)
Sponsor a BaRISEta
No contracts - cancel anytime
Support Us
Although I don’t drink coffee, I’m passionate about supporting this cause. If you're able to donate, your contribution would mean the world to us. Thank you for your generosity!
We help adults with special needs RISE! Seeing these young people gain independence is incredible, and your support makes all of this possible! Because of your generosity as a sponsor, our baRISEta’s are thriving, building confidence, and growing into their full potential.
It is our heart that you would connect in community and get to know others! Most importantly, in a world where many live behind a screen, learn some names, grab a game, and experience being known here at RISE over a cup of coffee.
Love comes from a greeting from our amazing staff, a sip from our delicious locally roasted coffee, or even a bite from a tasty healthy treat. RISE is where differences unite and you will be loved unconditionally.
While we are committed to serving the highest quality coffee and tea and espresso, smoothies and healthy snacks, we are passionate about doing life together here at RISE. You will be served best in relationship with others.
RISE coffee & tea is a local coffee shop all about knowing, loving and serving our community through healthy, delicious, locally sourced coffee and "baked from scratch" gluten free goods while providing a bigger stage for people with special needs to SHINE their light!
Join us in spreading the RISE love so that we can continue to provide meaningful employment for our special friends as well as our neurotypical peeps who have mad skills and huge hearts!
BaRISEta’s are the heart of who we are at RISE coffee & tea! It is our desire to see those with special needs have a place to belong, to be known and to serve others. The term, "BaRISEta" comes from Barista- a coffeehouse employee who prepares and serves espresso-based coffee drinks and other beverages. At RISE, we know our employees are special, so we call them BaRISEtas!